Frequently Asked Questions




What is the 5-Pillar Framework Assessment?

The 5-Pillar Strategic Sales Organisation Assessment™ enables a company to review their own strengths and weaknesses in strategy and execution in key channels related to the top three sales objectives, selected from 12 options.

In addition, company scores are benchmarked against their peers enabling broader insights. The assessment surveys the following 5-Pillars needed to develop a high-growth sales organisation:

  1. Competitive Strategy
  2. Customer Engagement
  3. Sales Talent
  4. Sales Management
  5. Sales Enablement

Click here to watch the 5-Pillar Assessment Video for more information.


What is the High-Impact Company Score Report?

  • This report identifies 17 factors that have a disproportionate impact on the performance and success of a Sales Organisation.
  • Clients completing the 5-Pillar Assessment should aim to achieve scores ranging from 90-100% to achieve full benefit of these 17 High-Impact areas.




What does the 5-Pillar Assessment process entail?

To complete the 5-Pillar Assessment, respondents are required to:

  1. Register at via a double opt-in process using their work email address and password of their choosing
  2. Then log into the platform at and click the button to 'GO TO ASSESSMENT' to complete the Assessment
  3. The Assessment takes ± 60 minutes to complete
  4. Once the cut-off period for taking Assessments has been reached, you will be notified by email that your report is ready to Download. Return to and log-in to download your report


The platform won't accept the password I am entering when I try to sign up, why? 

The password field requires a ‘secure' password. The password must contain the following:

  • 6-15 characters long with no spaces
  • Have at least one numeric
  • Have at least one upper case character
  • And at least one lower
  • And at least and one special character (e. %@&#!)
  • Here is an example of what this password may look like Abcd2@

If I lose power or Internet connectivity, will I have to restart the Assessment?

  • The Assessment is divided into five sections, with one section per page. Each time you click the NEXT button, your inputs up until that point will be saved. If you lose power or connectivity while you are busy inputting your answers on a page, only those answers on that page will be lost. 
  • Once your power and/or connectivity is restored, simply log in again, then click the GO TO ASSESSMENT button to continue with the Assessment.



What is a ‘Company Champion’?

  • In instances where multiple individuals from a Company or Division will be completing the 5-Pillar Assessment, a ‘Company Champion’ is nominated to select Objectives against which the Assessment Report will be generated.
  • This Company Champion is responsible for selecting 3 Objectives from a total list of 12 options.
  • NB: The Objectives chosen should align with your Sales Organisation’s highest priorities for the upcoming 12 months.
  • Selecting the Objectives is an important decision because they determine the content that will be contained in the final Assessment Report. 
  • Very NB: It is advised that the Company Champion confers with colleagues before making their selection, because once the selection has been made, it cannot be changed.


What is the relevance of selecting 'Objectives’?

  • Selecting the Objectives is an important decision because they determine the content that will be contained in the final Assessment Report. 
  • NB: The Objectives chosen should align with your Sales Organisation’s highest priorities for the upcoming 12 months.
  • Very NB: It is advised that the Company Champion confers with colleagues before making their selection, because once the selection has been made, it cannot be changed.


What are the 12 Objectives from which I can select? 

You will be prompted to select 3 of the following 12 Objectives:

  1. Leverage data (revenue and leading indicator activities) through technology and advanced analytics to gain improved insights for planning revenue growth

  2. Create new market space by restructuring market boundaries and appealing to new customer segments

  3. Focus on opening new accounts through higher value articulation and customer insights

  4. Focus on existing customers to ensure understanding of each account's potential, lower churn and improve share of wallet through higher value articulation and customer insights

  5. Prepare our Sales Organisation for a seemingly unbeatable competitor, and in doing so, also ward off competitors targeting our key customers

  6. Lower discount levels by improving value articulation of our products and/or solutions by the Sales Force

  7. Add Sales Force headcount to ensure we are addressing the total available market

  8. Improve productivity and revenue of the Sales Force to ensure optimum use of time and maximum customer penetration across the entire Sales Organisation

  9. Strengthen Sales Management ability and outputs

  10. Ensure better alignment between Sales Organisation needs and marketing plans to drive an increased number of quality in-coming leads

  11. Design a highly-enabled Sales Force by addressing all needs in respect of leads, sales tools and sales automation

  12. Equip the Salesforce to respond to the challenges of a remote-selling business environment


Can I change the Objectives I have selected? 

  • No. It is not possible to alter your selection of objectives once the initial selection has been made.

  • Very NB: It is advised that the Company Champion confers with colleagues before making their selection.


Can respondents complete the Assessment before the Company Champion has selected the Objectives? 

  • Yes they can.
  • However, reports can only be generated once the Objectives have been selected.



Why can’t I download my Report immediately after completing it?

  • Reports are only generated once the cut-off period for taking Assessments has been reached.
  •  You will receive an email notifying you when your Report is ready to download.


Why does the ‘Company Average Score’ data in some of my colleague's reports differ from my own?

  • In instances where reports are regenerated after the initial download, reports will be generated at a later time.
  • The Individual Scores provided by these late respondents will alter the overall Company Average scores.
  • RevenuePartners will regenerate reports periodically to accommodate late respondents.
  • Data submitted by late respondents will also alter the overall Benchmark scores contained in reports generated after the initial deadline.
  • Each time reports are regenerated, the latest version will be available for download again from your Account at


How long do I have access to this platform after purchasing a report?

  • Users will have access to the platform for 12 months after purchasing their Assessment.
  • We strongly advise that you use the Download Report tools to download a copy of your report.




How is my data shared?

  • The data you share by way of the Assessment is only available to yourself and to your company.
  • All respondents will receive an ‘Individual & Company Report’.
  • This report will contain your individual scores, your Company’s aggregate scores, and anonymised benchmark scores.
  • All benchmarked data is aggregated and anonymised.
  • Never share your login password with another person as they will then have access to your Individual & Company Report.


 Is the data I provide confidential?

  • Yes. The data you share by way of the Assessment is only available to yourself and to your company. All benchmarked data is aggregated and anonymised.


Can I share my report with others?

  • No.
  • The 5-Pillar Assessment contains privileged information about your company, regulations regarding sharing information of this nature would typically be covered in your employment contract.
  • Furthermore, based on the Terms and Conditions of Usage of this platform and the 5-Pillar Assessment may not be shared with a third party due to copyright restrictions.




Who do I contact for help and trouble-shooting?